We all waste a ton of money on cloud compute. We don't have to if we work together.
CoCore is a community experiment that connects friends with idle compute to friends who'd make good use of it - if they dare.
Servers need to be big enough for peak demand. We pay for the rest of the wasted idle compute. What if we rented it out to trusted collaborators?
We help hosts:
Serverless has high markups, thin configurability, and vendor-lock. What if we paid our trusted collaborators for cheaper, better, more diverse resources instead?
We help clients:
CoCore lets friends with spare compute lend it to friends who need it to create a more friendly cloud. Together, we put money spent on Big Cloud back in our own pockets. Join us in our experiment to put our wasted resources to good use.
Let's explore what a different way of cloud computing could look like.
Become a Part of CoCore